Combine medical training with research
Drive new innovations in clinical care and research.
The Kennedy Trust IMPACT Inflammation MB-PhD is a fully funded three-year programme aimed at MBChB students who wish to intercalate to train as clinician-scientists.
The programme will see you work towards both your MBChB and PhD awards over the course of the programme, combining your medical training with research training in the area of inflammation sciences.
Each year, we aim to recruit the best candidates who are seeking to drive new innovations in clinical care and research. Our first cohort of students started their studies in September 2021.
About the MB-PhD
A PhD is one of the highest level academic degrees that can be awarded. Unlike most undergraduate and master's courses, a PhD is a pure research degree.
However, this doesn't mean you will spend three years in a library or lab. There are many opportunities for professional development including networking and communication, teaching, presenting at conferences, and opportunities to publish work.
You will get a head start on your academic career before you get too embedded in clinical work. The skills you will acquire can be applied in many areas of medicine, and you will learn valuable critical appraisal skills early.
There is a much higher chance of being awarded an MB-PhD during medical school than if you wait to apply for PhD later in your career.
On completion of your MB-PhD, you will graduate as a doctor at the forefront of your field.
Inflammation is such a broad area that it can be applied in all aspects of medicine/surgery/GP. You will develop invaluable transferable skills and be fully equipped to start a career in clinical research.
Inflammation is linked to areas of medicine such as:
- immunology
- dermatology
- gastroenterology
- infection
- cardiovascular disease
- arthritis and rheumatic diseases
- orthopaedics
- respiratory disease
A combined approach.
You will benefit from a bespoke training and mentorship programme alongside your research project.
As a postgraduate researcher in the Faculty of Biology, Medicine and Health, you will also have access to the Doctoral Academy Training programme to develop your transferable skills.
Programme structure
Year 1
- Programme induction
- Upskilling in inflammation course
- Computational biology course
- Project specific training/development

Year 2
- Training activities to support career development
- Mentorship programme

Year 3
- Training activities to support career development
- Mentorship programme
- Preparation for thesis submission/viva
- Support for returning to the MBChB core programme

Inflammation PhD projects.
Applications are now open for 2025/26
Browse our available projects to find one that matches your research interests and then contact the supervisors listed to discuss their research and your suitability for the project.
If you have a specific area of inflammation research that you're interested in, you're also able to co-design a project with a supervisor. To do this you should get in touch with a supervisor to discuss your area of interest.
Available projects
Browse our range of projects available for 2025/26:
Browse our range of projects for 2025/26 and download our MB-PhD Supervisor Profiles and Project Outlines booklet to find out more about each project and to contact the listed supervisor.
- The impact of psychological factors on outcomes in psoriatic arthritis. (Dr James Bluett, Professor Chris Armitage, Dr Mark Lunt)
- Identification of novel biomarker profiles to define subgroups of Systemic Autoimmune Rheumatic Diseases. (Prof Ian Bruce, Dr Madhvi Menon)
- Identifying Biomarkers of Myositis Treatment Response Using UK-Wide Longitudinal Data to Personalise Patient Management. (Prof Hector Chinoy, Dr Janine Lamb, Dr James Lilleker, Dr Alexander Oldroyd)
- Discovery and clinical translation of small molecule biomarkers of inflammation in asthma. (Prof Stephen Fowler, Prof Clare Mills, Dr Waqar Ahmed)
- Functional dissection of disease associated genetic loci in osteoarthritis. (Gisela Orozco, Anne Barton, Prof Stephen Eyre)
- The role of the immune system in post-stroke dementia. (Prof Craig J Smith, Prof Stuart Allan, Dr John Grainger)
- The association between disease related factors and medication use with co-morbidity and mortality in patients with inflammatory polyarthritis. (Prof Suzanne Verstappen, Dr John Bowes, Dr Max Yates)
- Using functional genomics and genetic engineering (CRISPR) techniques to investigate the JAKi pathway in Psoriasis. (Prof Richard Warren, Prog Stephen Eyre)
- Understanding Clock control of Airway Barrier Function in Asthma and Allergic Airways Disease: Implication for treatment. (Dr Hannah Durrington, Prof Julie Gibbs, Dr Amlan Chakraboty)
- Structural immunology of smoking relating lung disease. (Dr Sean Knight, Prof Tracy Hussell)
- Epigenetic mechanisms linking maternal inflammation-induced transcriptional changes to adult behavioural impairment in a neurodevelopmental rat model. (Dr Reinmar Hager, Dr Jocelyn Glazier, Prof Michael Harte, Dr Rebecca Bromley)
- Exploring how inflammation influences circadian disruption in critical care. (Dr JF Blaikley, Prof Andrew Hazel)
Fully funded studentship.
Successful applicants will receive a PhD studentship for the three-year duration of the programme, which includes:
Fees and stipend
- full funding for PhD tuition fees (up to the UK rate)
- lab costs/running expenses
- annual stipend of £23,000 in Year 1, £24,759 in Year 2 and £26,000 in Year 3.

International candidates
International candidates should contact us to discuss a fee scholarship that is available to the highest-performing international applicant.

Student loan eligibility
Completing the MB-PhD will not have an impact on student loan eligibility for the final year of the MB-ChB as both qualifications are awarded at the same time.

Entry requirements.
Applicants must be MBChB students and either:
- currently studying in Year 3; or
- currently studying in Year 2 and already hold a BA/BSc degree with a minimum Upper Second class degree classification in a relevant subject area
Applications from those wishing to intercalate will be subject to permission being received from your current university.
Applicants on the MBChB at The University of Manchester and the BSc (Hons) Medicine - Manchester pathway at the University of St Andrews will receive priority for places.
Making an application
Applying for the programme
Applications are now open for 2025/26
We will support four students onto the three-year programme - which begins at the end of September - with the approval of your intercalation team.
We are looking for candidates who are seeking to drive new innovations in clinical care and research.
If you wish to be considered for the Kennedy Trust IMPACT Inflammation MB-PhD programme and meet our eligibility criteria, you should apply online as soon as possible. The application deadline for 2025/26 is Friday, 23 May 2025.
Follow the information below to apply and ensure you submit all the required documents. References can be emailed separately if they are not available to submit immediately (see below).
For the funding sources section on the online application form:
- Select 'Yes' from the drop-down
- Type of Funding: 'University of Manchester Scholarship'
- Awarding Body: Kennedy Trust
- Status of Funding: – Awarded
- Funding Covers: Fully Funded
- Leave the remaining boxes blank
In Section 6 'Research Details', you must state the name of the project supervisor and project title in the format below. You can indicate up to two projects here, listing the lead supervisor and project title in order of preference.
- Name of Supervisor – Project Title
- Name of Supervisor – Project Title
Your application form must be accompanied by a number of supporting documents as listed below.
This should include qualifications (subjects passed at GCSE, A-level or equivalent, including grade). These will be considered in relation to widening participation and/or university access arrangements, to ensure that all applicants are treated fairly.
Include higher education qualifications already obtained or currently being taken, academic prizes, research projects and subjects of special interest (from current or previous studies), extracurricular interests, and activities and positions of responsibility relevant to your application.
Supporting statement
This should be 1,000 words maximum. It should include your reason for wishing to join the MB-PhD programme and a statement outlining your particular interest in the projects to which you are applying.
We require two references from people who have knowledge of your academic ability. These are usually academic references, from a lecturer or professor at your current or previous university.
You will need to provide details of your referees in section 10 of the online form. Your referees will be contacted directly after you submit your application and directed to complete our online reference form.
Email addresses
It is recommended that the email address you provide for your referees is related to the academic institution or organisation to which they belong, rather than a personal use email (for example,
If a personal email address is provided, it may cause delays to your application, as extra steps may be required to verify this.
External medical students
You will require an official letter of support from your current institution stating you have permission to undertake the MB-PhD programme at The University of Manchester.
Once you have submitted your application form, you will receive an acknowledgement that your application has been received. Your application will be reviewed and circulated to your preferred supervisor(s).
You will be kept informed of the progress of your application throughout the application procedure.
We will contact you directly if we wish to invite you to interview.
- Application deadline: Friday 23 May 2025
- Interviews: June 2025
Student profiles
What our students say about the programme:
Elan Shellard – MB-PhD Year 2 student - Newcastle University medical student

Supervisor: Professor Richard Warren
I applied to this course in my third year because it was one of only two courses I’d seen that focused on inflammation, an area highly applicable to many areas of medicine.
The course offers the opportunity to tailor your project to what you are most interested in, for me that was inflammatory skin conditions.
This led to a project centred around the genetics of psoriasis, the pathways and possible drug interventions.
Completing a PhD before finishing medical school is a huge advantage, lending itself to further involvement in research when re-joining the medicine course and being a more competitive applicant to the specialised foundation programme.
Through this course I will gain experience in many lab-based skills, including bioinformatics, genomics, and cell phenotyping, which I would have no exposure to otherwise. I will also gain experience in academic writing, hopefully leading to publishing and presenting my research at points throughout the course.
Compared to the generality of medicine, I am excited to do original research into the specific area that I find most interesting.
Jafar Cain – MB-PhD year 3 student

Supervisor: Dr Hannah Durrington
I was excited to apply to the Kennedy Trust MB-PhD program as a way to gain a lot of new experience in research, particularly in an area which I found interesting.
The vast range of available projects that fall under the programme’s wide umbrella of ‘inflammation sciences’ means that there really is something for everyone.
My project combined my interests in rheumatology and respiratory medicine in a PhD focused on the circadian mechanism and how it relates to the immunopathology of asthma and rheumatoid arthritis.
During my first year I was immersed in the lab very quickly and was able to run my first complex in-vivo experiment and build my confidence in planning and undertaking my own research projects.
The PhD is a fantastic opportunity to grow as an independent researcher and take ownership of your own work from day one, something which feels incredibly rewarding and that I hope will allow me greater freedom in my career going forward.
Undergraduate placements
Considering the Kennedy Trust IMPACT InflamĀmation MB-PhD? Try an undergraduate research project.
We offer research placements within the MB-PhD to University of Manchester and St Andrews-Manchester Pathway Medical School students in Year 1 and 2.
The placements will give you a taste of academic research and our MB-PhD programme. Placements last for up to one week.
If you are eligible to apply, you must submit an expression of interest in spring.
The placements are available with various supervisory teams/lab groups where you will get a valuable insight into the real world of academic research:
- Prof. Anne Barton
- Dr. Kieron South
- Dr Gisela Orozco
- Dr. John Grainger, Prof Craig Smith, Prof Stuart Allen
- Dr Sebastien Viatte
- Tao Wang
All of these supervisors are offering projects to MB-PhD applicants for summer 2025, so if you are considering applying for the programme now or in the future, this is a brilliant opportunity to meet the team and to find out if this is the path for you.
See details of the placements available and the supervisory styles: MB-PhD summer placements (PDF).
Placement weeks will be arranged between students and supervisors at the end of the summer term (w/b 16th and 23rd June) or the beginning of the new academic year (1st – 5th September).
Students who are interested in this opportunity should send the following details to Jemma Fielding (
- Name
- Current Year of MBChB Study
- Intending to apply for an MB-PhD programme in future – Yes/No
- AND/OR applying for this opportunity due to a general interest in academic research – Yes/No
- 200 words maximum on why you have submitted an Expression of Interest
- Lab preference/s
Depending on how much interest is shown, preference may be given to students who are eligible to apply to the MB-PhD in the 2025-26 recruitment round.
Expressions of interest should be returned by 1 March 2025.
Contact us
Have any questions? Get in touch.
Queries regarding the application process and funding can be sent to the Doctoral Academy Admissions Office:
Queries regarding the programme can be sent to:
Email: or
University of Manchester intercalation queries should be sent to:
General queries
Sue Astley