Widening participation programmes for Medicine courses

Pupils on the below widening participation (WP) programmes need to meet specific criteria to achieve entry to Medicine courses at university. These programmes offer a number of benefits to successful applicants.

Manchester Access Programme

The Manchester Access Programme (MAP) is the University's award-winning widening participation scheme for local Year 12 students in Greater Manchester.

Through this programme, the University aims to help students who meet specific academic and background criteria achieve entry to The University of Manchester, or another research-intensive university.

This is through participation in numerous events and workshops and completion of an academic assignment.

Applicants who have successfully completed the Manchester Access Programme with The University of Manchester and apply for our Medicine programme are eligible for the following benefits:

  • Lower academic entry criteria: A minimum of 6 GCSEs at grades A*/A with a minimum ABB prediction at A-level.
  • A lower UCAT threshold: For those with a MAP flag from the University.
  • Guaranteed interview: If the reduced UCAT threshold has been met.
  • Lower offer grades: if successful at interview, an offer will be made on grades of ABB

MAP is recognised by UKWPMED, a collection of medical schools that recognise each other's access programmes.

More information

Visit the University website: How to apply for MAP.

Preston Widening Access Programme

Preston's Widening Access Programme (PWAP) is a programme aimed at supporting students from local colleges and sixth forms who aspire to enter the medical profession to attain a place on the medical undergraduate programme with The University of Manchester.

The main aim is to encourage students from non-traditional backgrounds to apply.

The programme comprises a range of activities and study that support students to enhance their application to university. These sessions are held onsite at Lancashire Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust.

Successful completion of the programme will result in a guaranteed interview with the University for a place on the MBChB Manchester/Preston undergraduate programme with a slightly reduced academic entry requirement.

Applicants who have successfully completed the Preston Widening Access Programme and apply to our Medicine programme are eligible for the following benefits:

  • Lower academic entry criteria: A minimum of 7 GCSEs at grades A*/A with a minimum AAB prediction at A-level.
  • A lower UCAT threshold: For those with a WP+ flag from the University.
  • Guaranteed interview: Only if the above UCAT criteria has been met.
  • Lower offer grades: if successful at interview, an offer will be made on grades of AAB for PWAP applicants flagged as WP+.

PWAP is recognised by UKWPMED, a collection of medical schools that recognise each other's access programmes.

More information

Visit the PWAP website: Preston's Widening Access Programme (PWAP).

Email: widening.participation@lthtr.nhs.uk

Lancashire Access Medics (LAM)

Lancashire Access Medics are a team of medical student and junior doctor volunteers delivering a widening participation programme for Year 12 students in Lancashire.

Students attend regular online sessions and complete an academic research project while receiving support with their university applications from the volunteers.

Students will gain skills to help them thrive in their applications and beyond, including communications skills, research skills and reflective practice.

To be eligible for the programme, students must meet the criteria for a WP Flag or a UCAT (University Clinical Aptitude Test) Bursary.

Students who complete the programme and have a WP Plus Flag or are in receipt of the UCAT bursary will be considered for lower grade and UCAT requirements for admission to the Manchester Medicine course.

More information

Email: lancashireaccessmedics2024@gmail.com


The UKWPMED scheme is a collaboration between UK medical schools to widen access to Medicine.

This collaboration provides an exciting opportunity for school leavers from socially and/or educationally disadvantaged backgrounds to improve their chances of gaining a place at one of the participating medical schools.

Any student who successfully completes any of the widening participation programmes from the below list will be eligible for consideration under a lower UCAT threshold, and would be given a reduced offer of ABB at Manchester.

Birmingham Medical School

Brighton and Sussex Medical School

Hull York Medical School

Keele University School of Medicine

Leicester Medical School

University of Manchester Medical School

Peninsula Medical School

Please contact the admissions team for each individual medical school if you have queries about their specific admissions requirements.


WP/WP+ flags

Applicants who are not involved in any of the listed schemes are flagged by the University as being Widening Participation or Widening Participation Plus applicants.

WP+ applicants are eligible for consideration under a lower UCAT threshold. Further information on UCAT thresholds can be found on our UCAT and application data pages

WP+ students are eligible for lower offer grades of AAB.

More information

Learn more about how the University uses contextual data and to check eligibility on the University's contextual data page.