Application statistics

At Manchester, we aim to be completely transparent about our selection processes. We regularly receive requests for quantitative information about the various stages of the admissions process, and as such we have provided a series of summary statistics for previous admissions cycles below.

These figures are strictly for information only and should not be used to try to predict future application cycles or determine an application strategy, as admissions and application criteria vary each year. Applicants are advised to use the information available to them throughout the rest of this website or to contact us directly to determine their eligibility to apply.

Application numbers

The following two tables contain details of the number of applications received, as well as the number of interview invitations and offers issued over the course of previous admissions cycles for both the five-year and six-year BDS Dentistry courses.

BDS Dentistry (5 years) (UCAS code: A206)

 2024 entry2023 entry2022 entry2021 entry2020 entry
Home Overseas Home Overseas Home Overseas  Home Overseas   Home Overseas 
Applications  780 172 858 146 869 184 1,018 83 983 88
Shortlisted for interview 339 18 340 11 306 12 363 6 537 17
% - - 40% 8% 35% 6% 36% 7% 55% 19%
Offers made 107 8 99 8  80  12  175  4 208 11
% - - 29% 72%  26%  100%  48%  67% 39% 65%


BDS Dentistry (6 years) (UCAS code: A204)

 2024 entry2023 entry2022 entry2021 entry2020 entry
Home Overseas Home Overseas Home Overseas Home Overseas Home Overseas
Applications 94 47 114 46 115 49 87 10 67 11
Shortlisted for interview 11 2 12 0 16 1 7 0 14 2
% - - 11% - 14% 2% 8% - 21% 18%
Offers made 6 1 5 0  7  43%  5  0 7 1
% - - 41% -  44%  -  71%  - 50% 50%


University Clinical Aptitude Test (UCAT) data

Applications for Dentistry are assessed holistically, which means that we use all of the information available to us to arrive at a decision.

UCAT thresholds

The table below contains the minimum overall UCAT score thresholds for the previous five admissions cycles. Applicants for the five-year (A206) and six-year (A204) Dentistry courses who achieved an overall UCAT score that exceeded these thresholds were automatically invited to interview.

  2024 entry2023 entry2022 entry2021 entry
Standard WP+ Standard WP+ Standard WP+  Standard WP+ 
A206 2820 2760 2810 2690 2800 2660 2740 2600
A204 2780 2690 2690 2650 2560 2560 2500 2500

* WP+ stands for Widening Participation Plus. Applicants who fall into this category are entitled to a differential offer. More information regarding Widening Participation flags can be found on the contextual data webpage.

We recognise that everyone has a different set of skills. If your UCAT score does not meet our UCAT threshold, then we will include your application as part of a holistic assessment using all the information available to us to arrive at a decision.

Applicants in this route will firstly be ranked according to their overall UCAT score, and then the Academic Lead for Admissions will begin to assess the applications taking into account other information.

UCAT statistics

The table below contains the average scores achieved by all applicants, and those shortlisted for interview for both the five-year (A206) and six-year (A204) Dentistry courses for the last two admissions cycles.

  2024 entry2023 entry2022 entry2021 entry
  Applicants* Shortlisted* Applicants* Shortlisted* Applicants* Shortlisted*  Applicants* Shortlisted* 
A206Mean 2635 2860 2577 2794 2537 2746 2533 2722
A204Mean 2418 2795 2383 2833 2356 2731 2328 2717

* These figures include those considered under contextual admissions.