Final decision and feedback

At the end of the interview process, the interviewers complete an assessment form.

However, the task of collating the information to reach a decision is carried out later. You will not be given a decision on the day of the interview; this will be sent to you at a later date.

The Academic Lead for Admissions will make the final decision regarding the outcome of your interview. The decision made will be either a conditional offer or a rejection. You will receive formal notification of our decision directly through UCAS Hub. 

We aim to notify applicants of the final decision on their application by spring each year. 

All offers are conditional upon the achievement of the appropriate standard in forthcoming examinations (if you have not already satisfied our academic requirements for entry), and upon completion and clearance of health screening and clearance by the Disclosure Barring Service within specified time frames.

If you wish to request feedback on your application, please contact the medicine and dentistry undergraduate admissions office in writing by emailing

Please note that the Admissions Office only provides interview feedback to those who have been unsuccessful in gaining an offer.