Fellowship support for researchers
Welcome to the Faculty of Biology Medicine and Health (FBMH) Fellowship Academy.
Thank you for your interest in the FBMH Fellowship Academy. We provide comprehensive advice, support, and guidance for individuals considering or actively pursuing fellowship applications or individual awards. Additionally, we connect applicants with broader support resources available across the University and beyond.
Some of the areas we can help with are:
- Further advice on funding schemes and fit, ideally adding to information already gathered from colleagues in your Division or Institute.
- Advice on who to contact if you are looking for further topics or methodological input.
- Advice on patient and public involvement and engagement (PPIE) or linked activities.
- Examples of successful fellowship awards where possible.
- Help to secure further peer review on a more advanced version of your application (if you contact us in good time).
- A mock interview (as soon as you know that you've been shortlisted for an interview, contact us so we can arrange this as quickly as possible).
If you'd like to explore any of the areas above or have other questions, please contact FBMHfellowshipacademy@manchester.ac.uk.